There was a time, not so long ago, my adorable cat Dorabella
demonstrated extraordinary heroism and showed much compassion towards
my grandmother. What a lovely story to share with you, dearest readers!
My grandmother suffered from a chronic disease. She relied on a very efficient medicine to lessen the risk of her frequent heart disease. My grandmother really had a deep affection for this magnificient cat. She spoiled Dorabella with cream, cake, and biscuits. This relationship between woman and cat was not a one-way street because the crucial day came for the cat to do my grandmother a good turn.
That day, the grandmother, who suffers from chronic coronary disease, had a sudden attack rendering her too weak to reach her pills on a shelf above her bed. Her only companion, Dorabella, leapt up and knocked the tablets down to her life-long friend. The medication diminished the pain, but the elderly woman still could not get up and call for help.
The cat was not dismayed; she ran outside and dashed to the nearby house of my grandmother's doctor. The cat started meowing pitifully outside the doctor's door. The surprised doctor recognized the plaintive sounds as those of Dorabella. He telephoned her aged companion, but no one answered. He then hurried to the old woman's house where he found his patient lying on the bed and desperate for help. The doctor immediately called for an ambulance.
The cat loved the elderly woman, came to her rescue - and undoubtedly saved her life. Dorabella's quick and intelligent action might also have had a little gratitude in it, a repayment of kindness with kindness.
- Our thanks to Daham M'hamed of Algeria, who kindly contributed Dorabella's story.